North East Region

North East Region of CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale

CAMRA North East - About us:
CAMRA is divided nationally into 16 regions.
CAMRA North East generally covers the area from the Scottish Border to the River Tees. It is bounded to the West by the Pennines.

The regional team is made up of volunteer CAMRA members drawn from the branches in the region.
Head of this team is the Regional Director (Currently: Hubert Gieschen)
The region currently has four branches:
Darlington CAMRA
Durham CAMRA
Sunderland and South Tyneside CAMRA
Tyneside and Northumberland CAMRA

Cleveland CAMRA are part of Yorkshire Region, but a large part of that branch falls geographically within the North East so they are actively involved in the region & attend/take part in all North East regional activities.
Follow the links for each branches own website & more information on activities within that branch.

To access CAMRA member restricted documents you will need to logon using you CAMRA membership number and the same password you use for the CAMRA members website. (This content is hidden until you logon)
If you need to reset your password follow this link: Reset CAMRA password.